Monday, December 27, 2010

Had a portrait session this week at the studio of three brothers for their Mom's Xmas present....

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Here's a card I did for The Orleans Inn, thought it was a hoot. The Maas family have been great about giving my name out for the weddings and receptions held there (did about 6 weddings there last season) and they are a really nice family to work with. The food is wonderful as well, definitely should try next time you're on the Cape...
Here's our family Xmas card, always fun to do something different each year. Julie did the "set", I did the photography, and Evan wrote an "I Spy" poem for the inside...can you find him?

Monday, December 13, 2010

Well I arrived in FL safe and sound last Tuesday. Got to see some relatives and the folks for a couple of days before getting on the plane back. Drove on the beach, had a burger, and saw a monument to surfing at New Symerna Beach. As I was leaving, the Florida temps were going back up to the 70s while Boston was dipping into the 20s. Sigh.....

Well of course as I was heading down, the South had their earliest cold snap in recent temps were in the 40s...I decided to check out Savannah on the way (liked the movie "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil"). Did the tourist bus tour and walked along the river. Had shrimp and grits and beer. Beautiful city, great architecture, hope to come back when it's warm sometime....

My parents flew down to Florida and it was my job to drive their car down to them. Haven't done the trip since sometime in the 80's! Took my 6 year old Fuji point-'n-shoot and stuck it out the window once and awhile along the way as a kind of "visual project"....

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Participated in the "Downtown Stroll" in Hudson with some fellow Blue Skies people last Saturday. The Parish Jazz Band showed up to play some Xmas and jazz standards for the hardy soles who came out. The space was great, right in the center, with room for a backdrop in the back room so I got to do some portraits as well. Good time....

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Had a fun engagement shoot in Danvers with Tiffany and Bryan last Sunday. Sun already setting by 3:00 and a bit chilly, but got a nice variety of shots. Really like to one by the barn, They wanted to do some in Patriots jerseys that came out fun, never did a football enagement shot before....!
Got some pictures of local supermodel team (and nieces) "K" & "L" on Thanksgiving Day.....

Saturday, November 20, 2010

"Pat and her granddaughter at the dojo, Karate Do, Stow MA. November 7, 2010"
Had a fun gig last week doing portraits at the Karate Dojo that my son attends. I came up with three different backgrounds to offer. "Fireworks" was the most popular, but the other two got picked a fair amount too.... What was also fun was that the owner, Pat, was there with her little granddaughter while I was setting up, so I got some pretty cute pictures of the two of them while testing my lights (see above)! You never know where you'll get some great pics sometimes....

Friday, November 19, 2010

I made this video of Cheryl Colombo's ( "Pimp my Pug" event at CDIA......

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Usually don't show formal wedding pictures on this blog or on the website. Mainly because they aren't the most unique or "different" images from a wedding, they're mostly special for the family and loved friends of the couple. I tried something a bit different this past season with setting up a camera off to the side and having it go off at regular intervals and making a stop action "film" with it. With Jennifer and Will's wedding, I combined the formals with the action and included it in their slideshow. I think the finished result is alot of fun.See what you think.... yeah, that's me, the guy with the camera...

Monday, November 1, 2010

Took our neighbors' Halloween picture yesterday and had some fun making them "ghostly". Evan was a chameleon so I had him crawling around the yard for his picture....

For a photo exercise, I wandered around the yard yesterday as the sun was setting and got these "very local" nature shots....Just in time too, Julie's out raking up the leaves right now....


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